Monday, 11 April 2011

Land Shark ....

........ Yep, that was my nickname from my sisters & some friends for the last 18 years .... Land Shark. And it was a fitting name, my teeth are seriously crowded, so I rolled with it, accepted it as a part of who I am. I devised my own coping strategies to "hide" my teeth--covering my mouth when I laugh & when I eat (which is really awkward to do), & avoid smiling without some form of concealment.

Well, this is all changing now, Land Shark no more, I am now the Tin Grin.

I just had braces put on, a bunch of teeth extracted, & am ready for a new smile that won't make me feel ashamed, or shark-y, so I am here to talk of trials, goofs, & whatever else may come with having braces in the real world, as a 28 year old woman. Enjoy!